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Property Store

Investment Hotspots: Dead or Alive? (Quick Read)

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

So, you're looking to invest in property? Property is one of the best investments that you can make to achieve financial freedom. But where should you put your money? That's a question many people are asking themselves these days, as it seems like investment hotspots have disappeared and there are no good areas left to buy in the UK. Property Store Property Management CRM Software has some advice for those who want to know where they should be investing their money!

First of all, Investment Hotspots are not dead! Property Store is on a mission to find so called Property Hotspots in the UK. We believe that they do exist and we want our clients to invest their money wisely - which means that it should be as easy for people who aren't familiar with property investment or with areas around the country to find the best places to invest. Property Store is not just a Property CRM Software for property investors, we are also committed to providing up-to-date and relevant information for investors who want to make informed decisions about their portfolio.

So the question, Investment Hotspots: Dead or Alive?

In order for them to exist, Investment Hotspots need certain conditions that have nothing in common with what you should be looking at when buying an average home in your area! Property Store's experts say there are three things which every potential Property Hotspot needs:

Image shows homes lined along a cul-de-sac.
Investment Hotspots are not dead! Property investors just want to keep it to themselves.

A location near large towns and cities

On the edge of one if possible so it has some countryside but quick access too; Good transport links like motorways. A good area also has very good schools, two or three-bed properties and a very low crime rate.

Property investment is still one of the best ways for people who want long term security with their money but also flexibility so that they don't have to keep it locked up somewhere safe - so you should spend the time to find these investment areas as they DO STILL EXIST!

Property prices that are low

This is important so you'll be able to buy high quality properties with a good yield. We hear time and time again that someone has purchased an expensive property and achieved the same rent as a property half the price in the town next door!

Don't fall into this trap!

Property Investment Hotspots need the people

Property is all about location, so if you are looking for a Property Hotspot in the UK - look at areas which have high demand and low supply. That being said, those who can afford to buy properties will always be able to do it because they want a place of their own or an investment asset; but there won't be enough rental property available as many investors would prefer buying instead of renting and then selling when prices rise again (which they will).

We still believe that Property Investment Hotspots exist today more than ever. This means that it's possible to find good places where you'll get your money back rather quickly.


In conclusion, Property Investment Hotspots are not dead! Property Store is on a mission to find Property Hotspots in the UK. We believe they do exist and we want our users to invest their money wisely which means that it should be as easy for people who aren't familiar with property investment or with areas around the country to find the best places to invest.

How can Property Store help?

Property Store is a Property Management CRM Software designed by property investors for property investors. Our software solution has a built in investment calculator to help you stack your deals the right way so that you don't fall into the trap.


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Looking to invest in property? Check out our blog about the truth about property investing where we bust some common myths and misconceptions in the industry!


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